Prague, May 10 (CTK) – EU membership is of a vital importance for the Czech Republic, whose departure would mean a catastrophe, PM Andrej Babis said in a lecture at the University of Economics (VSE) today, calling for an EU reform including the depoliticising of the EC and the completion of the internal market.
Babis (ANO) rejected the introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic, which promised its adoption on its EU entry in 2004. He said the country does not need the European currency now.
“The fact that we have the crown is a huge advantage. If anything happened, the institute of [currency] interventions is very important,” Babis said.
“We are in a situation different from Britain’s. Czexit would be a catastrophe for us,” Babis said during his lecture attended by about 300 students.
He said four fifths of Czech exports go to EU countries. Besides, the EU has contributed to peace and facilitated travelling, he said.
Babis said the EU needs a reform. The free movement of services still does not function completely, and restrictions still persist in the free movement of persons, which should be changed.
Furthermore, he wants a stronger position of member states at the costs of the EC, which should be a body of service to the member countries.
Decisions should not be pushed through in the EU against some countries’ will, since this consequently strengthens the people’s resentment of the EU.
He presented his cabinet’s priorities and spoke about the Czech Republic’s current economic indicators.