Jiri Drahos

Matt Atlas

Centrist Presidential Canidate Jiri Drahos Overtakes Milos Zeman in Polls

A new poll conducted by the Median agency has suggested that presidential candidate Jiří Drahoš, the former head of the Czech Academy of Sciences, would make it into the second round of the presidential election in January and would narrowly defeat the incumbent, Miloš Zeman, by a total of 51 percent to 49 percent. 

The poll was conducted in the month of October; a month earlier, the poll suggested Drahoš would finish with 55.5 percent of the vote. The poll did not take into account the candidacy of latecomer former prime minister Mirek Topolánek, who announced his intention to run this week. 

Another poll, conducted by CVVM and published on Monday, also suggested Mr Drahoš would make it into the second round. According to that survey, 34 percent would vote for the incumbent, 22 percent for Mr Drahoš and 13 percent for lyricist Michal Horáček. 

Source: Radio Praha