The current administrator of the toll system in the Czech Republic last year, CzechToll increased its profit after tax to more than 100 million crowns. It is 74 million crowns more year on year. On the other hand, the company’s revenues fell by almost 1.4 billion to 849 million crowns. This follows from the annual report of CzechToll. The company has been providing tolls since December 2019. Last year, the state collected over 11.5 billion crowns on it, 5.25 percent more year-on-year.
Last year was the first full calendar year when toll collection was completely managed by CzechToll. Toll collections increased last year, the main reason being the expansion of the system by almost 900 kilometers of first-class roads. However, the coronavirus pandemic weakened the selections, especially in the spring.
This year, tolls continue to grow. The main reason is the new charges for noise and pollution, but traffic is also growing compared to last year. In the first half of the year, carriers paid 7.08 billion crowns for the toll. It is almost 29 percent more year-on-year.
At the end of 2019, CzechToll replaced the Austrian company, Kapsch, as toll administrator. At the same time, the Czech company launched a new electronic toll system based on satellite technology. He built CzechToll together with the Slovak partner company SkyToll. The company will receive 10.75 billion crowns from the state for the construction of the system and its ten-year operation.
CzechToll belongs to the PPF investment group. It was founded in August 2017. At the end of last year, the company employed 52 people.