Daniel Kretinsky’s Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH) 2019 EBITDA grew by ten percent to CZK 56 billion crowns (2.1 billion euros), on consolidated revenues of CZK 230 billion (8.6 billion euros). EPH announced the record results on Twitter.
EPH has two main divisions – EP Infrastructure (EPIF) and EP Power Europe (EPPE). EPIF’s holdings include companies in the transmission, distribution, and storage of natural gas, electricity distribution, and heat production. While EPPE mainly holds foreign electricity producers and mining companies.
EPH was founded in 2009. Křetínský became the majority owner of the holding in 2017, with a 94% stake in the company. EPH includes over 70 companies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Britain, Ireland, Italy, and France.