The Ministry of Finance has awarded Huawei a contract to build, maintain, and operate their IT infrastructure. Huawei won the bid through their domestic partner Huatech. Huawei also received a project at the State Printing Works of Securities.
The contract was financed at CZK 9.661 million excluding VAT (CZK 11.7 million including VAT), with almost 8.5 million for hardware. Huatech won with the lowest bid. Anect, TTC Marconi,, and Your System also bid on the contract.
Huawei won the state tender several months after the National Cyber and Information Security Authority (NÚKIB) warned against the company. The Ministry of Finance stated that it was approaching the contract with this knowledge and evaluated the potential risks.
The Ministry of Finance is not the only state or semi-state institution to use Huawei technology. Huatech and AMI Praha run the network in ČEZ data centers. Huawei also won a contract to equip a new data center for ČEZ. Huawei built a system for the Road and Motorway Directorate. Huawei also won a network contract for the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Presidium, where it supplies switches, routers and WDM technologies. Recently, the company won projects at the Ministry of Culture and Czech Television.