Prague, Dec 3 (CTK) – The ANO movement would win the Czech general election with 30 percent of the vote again, if held in November, while the runner-up would be the Pirates with 14 percent, the party that came third in the election in October, according to Kantar agency’s election model released today.
A total of eight parties and movements would enter the Chamber of Deputies in November, all that succeeded in October except for the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL), according to the poll released by Czech Television.
The Civic Democrats (ODS), who finished second in October, would finish third in November, with 12 percent of the vote, followed by the Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) movement with 9.5 percent and the Communists (KSCM) with 7 percent.
The Social Democrats (CSSD) and the Mayors and Independents (STAN) would gain 5.5 percent each.
The election gain of TOP 09 would narrowly reach the 5-percent parliament threshold, the poll showed.
The KDU-CSL, which crossed the limit with 5.8 percent in the October election, would fail to do so in November, receiving only 4.5 percent, according to the poll, which the Kantar TNS agency conducted on 891 respondents on November 4-24.
Comparison of results of TNS Kantar November election model with October general election result:
Party/movement |
Election gain according to Kantar model |
Vote gained in October elections |
30.0% |
29.64% |
Pirates |
14.0% |
10.79% |
12.0% |
11.32% |
9.5% |
10.64% |
7.0% |
7.76% |
5.5% |
7.27% |
5.5% |
5.18% |
TOP 09 |
5.0% |
5.31% |
4.5% |
5.8% |
Greens |
3.0% |
1.46% |
Source: Kantar TNS agency, Czech Statistical Office