Prague, Feb 21 (CTK) – A government of the ANO movement and Social Democrats (CSSD) with the Communists’ (KSCM) support is the only alternative brought to the table at present, Prime Minister in resignation and ANO chairman Andrej Babis said after his talks with the CSSD leaders today.
Civic Democrat (ODS) chairman ODS Petr Fiala, with whom Babis debated foreign policy today, refused to join a government with ANO or tolerate an ANO minority cabinet again, Babis said.
“A have a good feeling of the talks. They took place in a normal atmosphere,” Babis said after his first meeting with the new CSSD leadership, chairman Jan Hamacek and first deputy chairman Jiri Zimola.
The ANO and CSSD negotiating teams might launch more detailed debate on the programme after next Wednesday when another meeting of both parties’ leaderships is scheduled, Babis added.
The Social Democrats want to debate nine spheres of programme issues with ANO. They are to get ANO acquainted with their ideas next week.
Babis is of the view that they will definitely not agree on some issues. “If experts do not reach consensus, we will negotiate on the top level,” Babis said.
He called the CSSD the first party to express interest in joining the ANO government which ANO would be considering cooperating with at the same time.
Babis reiterated that he insisted on his being prime minister of a new cabinet.
“I was running in the general election as a candidate (of the ANO movement) for prime minister. This is why people voted for us,” he pointed out.
The Social Democrats adopted a resolution at their Sunday congress saying they considered a prosecuted person in a government “a fundamental problem,” hinting at Babis, prosecuted on suspicion of an EU subsidy fraud.
The CSSD congress was interrupted on Sunday. It will continue on April 7 when the Social Democrat leaders are to inform the delegates about the development of the talks on a new government.
Hamacek wants all party members to vote on the CSSD’s possible participation in Babis’s government in an internal referendum.