Slovak Prosecutor Spirko: Kalinak’s Attacks Payback For Corruption Inquiry

Andrej Kiska, EU Subsidy Fraud, Italian Mafia, Jan Kuciak, Journalist Jan Kuciak, Murdered Slovakian Journalist, Ndrangheta, Robert Fico, Robert Kalinak, Tibor Gašpar

Bratislava, March 8 (CTK) – Interior Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-Social Democracy) wanted to discredit Slovak elite prosecutor Vasil Spirko because of the investigation of a case of suspected corruption of Kalinak, Spirko told journalists today.


Spirko said he would file a criminal complaint against Kalinak, Police President Tibor Gaspar and the corruption police unit’s chief over a suspected sabotage. He said the case concerned a suspected bribe offered to Kalinak and former finance minister Jan Pociatek in relation to a public tender.


Such a public presentation made by an elite prosecutor has been extraordinary in Slovakia.


Gaspar dismissed the view that he played any part in the alleged discrediting of Spirko. He said the police fighting corruption have been investigating the case concerning Kalinak and Pociatek.


Within a political crisis that developed after a recent murder of an investigative journalist that seemed to indicate links between Italian mafia and Slovak politicians and entrepreneurs, several political parties as well as strong street protests called for Kalinak’s resignation. Gaspar’s dismissal has been demanded as well.


Spirko is a member of the specialised prosecution office that deals with the most serious crimes in the country. He dealt with the case of possible corruption of Kalinak and Pociatek who ran a business together in the past. He also checked a business transaction between Kalinak and a businessman who was accused of tax fraud. Two weeks ago, Spirko was accused of exerting pressure on a witness and these cases were taken away from him. All charges against Spirko were later dropped.


Spirko said the witness mentioned bribes worth several hundred thousands of euros.


He said he received information that his discrediting was ordered by Kalinak. His prosecution might have been a way to stop his work on these cases, he added.