Articles for tag: Andrej Babiš, ANO, Chamber of Deputies, Corruption, CSSD, General Inspection of Security Corps, GIBS, KSCM, Miloš Zeman, ODS, Pirates


PM Babis’s Attacks On GIBS Security Head Go Unchecked

Prague, March 20 (CTK) – Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis (ANO) will not have to explain disciplinary proceedings against Michal Murin, head of the General Inspection of Security Corps (GIBS), over a misdemeanour in the Chamber of Deputies, because ANO deputies vetoed the proposal today.   This is why the opposition TOP 09 has started ...


Jan Hamacek Czech CSSD

CSSD Seeks 5 Seats In Babis’s Minority Government

Prague, March 18 (CTK) – Czech Social Democrats (CSSD) chairman Jan Hamacek would welcome if his party members who are not deputies to the lower house joined a new government with ANO, he said in the Duel TV debate today.   He refused to speak about the posts that his CSSD would like to fill ...


Andrej Babis Jan Hamacek

CSSD Tired Of ANO’s Games: Demands Babis Announce Preferred Government

Prague, March 14 (CTK) – Czech Social Democrat (CSSD) chairman Jan Hamacek wants PM and ANO head Andrej Babis to clearly say which government he prefers at their meeting on Thursday, Hamacek told reporters today.   Babis’s ANO minority government lost a confidence vote in the Chamber of Deputies in January and resigned, but it ...


Andrej Babis

PM Andrej Babis’s Bad Faith Negotiations – Wants Early Elections

Prague, March 13 (CTK) – The goal of Andrej Babis, leader of the Czech election-winning ANO, seems to be the provoking of an early general election rather than forming a regular majority government with one or more partners, Petr Honzejk writes in daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) today.   Days, weeks and months have passed without ...


Andrej Babis

Babis Pledges To Speed Up Government-forming Talks

Prague, March 9 (CTK) – Prime Minister Andrej Babis (ANO) will try to accelerate his talks on a new government he is conducting and he will inform President Milos Zeman about the effort in late March, Babis told journalists after meeting trade union leader Bohumir Dufek today.   Babis said ANO was preparing another meeting ...


MP Zdenek Ondracek Out: Communist-Era Riot Cop Resigns After Mass Protests

Prague, March 6 (CTK) – Communist (KSCM) MP Zdenek Ondracek today resigned from the post of chairman of a parliamentary commission supervising the police inspection authority GIBS, he told the lower house of Czech parliament.   He took the step shortly before a vote on his dismissal was to be proposed by the right-wing opposition ...


Petition Launched To Remove Communist Riot Cop Zdenek Ondracek As GIBS Head

Prague, March 5 (CTK) – A petition was started for the election of a new chairman of the lower house commission for the General Inspection of Security Corps (GIBS), instead of Czech Communist (KSCM) deputy Zdenek Ondracek, in Prague today.   Ondracek raised controversies as a former member of the communist riot police intervening against ...