THK Rhythm Automotive Czech, a Dačice company that supplies parts for the automotive industry, will stop production for at least two weeks from 30 March.
THK will finish the production this week. Next week production will stop for at least 14 days. Workers will be home at 70 percent salary. Production was stopped by Volkswagen and Fiat, Renault-Nissan canceled orders. THK employs 900 people.
THK is a subsidiary of the Japanese THK group, which stopped production in its German factory in Krefeld. In 2018 Dačice THK had revenues from sales of products, services, and goods 4.83 billion crowns and operating profit 237.9 million.
Dura, which has factories in Strakonice and Blatna, will be closed until 6 April. The company halted production on 20 March. The exception is a new project for Daimler, in which about 120 to 150 people are involved in Strakonice, and one project for Volkswagen. All other workers are at home.
Dura Automotive CZ had revenues of CZK 5.2 billion and operating profit of CZK 213.3 million. Dura has about 1500 people in both plants.