YouTube banned SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from the platform on Friday. Okamura says the reason was that he portrayed the crimes committed by migrants in Europe. Okamura announced on Facebook, where he is in danger of losing his page for similar reasons.
According to the site, YouTube policy prohibits the posting of violent or cruel videos that are primarily intended to shock, search for stunts, or that are self-serving. Similarly, Facebook’s rules prohibit, among other things, the dissemination of illegal, misleading, discriminatory, or fraudulent information.
“We are witnessing harsh censorship and emerging totalitarianism,” Okamura said of the steps taken by both social networks. He claims that YouTube has censored him for disapproving of illegal migration, Islamization, and EU policy, and warns of the dangers it brings. At the same time, he announced that he had established a new channel.
“I consider the fact that YouTube canceled my channel, where I published uncensored information, a gross attack on freedom of speech, an attack on fundamental civil liberties given by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and a violation of free competition of political parties given by the Czech constitutional order,” he added.