Prague, April 14 (CTK) – A military solution is always only the last resort , President Zeman’s spokesman Jiri Ovcacek said after the Allied night air strike in Syria today.
Ovcacek condemned journalists, NGOs and Zeman’s critics, saying they back war.
At night, the USA, Britain and France made a coordinated military attack on targets in Syria in reaction to the chemical attack a week ago which claimed tens of victims. The Allies say it was made by President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
“A military solution is always the last resort,” Ovcacek said.
Ovcacek tweeted that journalists wanted the war.
“The enthusiastic Czech journalists, NGO activists and Prague cafe members are said to fight soon in the frontline in Syria,” Ovcacek said.
Prague cafe is a term coined by Zeman. It denotes his intellectual opponents.
“However, they are still looking for a commander. Any tip?” he added.
Ovcacek already wrote on Thursday when thinking of war, the journalists were “happily licking themselves,” for which they should be sent to the frontline.
Zeman said last year after the U.S. attack on a Syrian military base near Homs over a chemical attack that he was ready to consider the attack rightful if the chemical arms attack had really been launched from the base.
The Czech Foreign Ministry said this was a clear message for anyone wanting to continue with the chemical attacks in Syria.
However, a political solution to the conflict should be sought, the ministry said.
“Along with the EU and other allies, we are calling on all actors of the conflict to contribute to the moderation and to resume the peace talks to find a political solution,” the Foreign Ministry said in its press release.