GIBS Election Results Thrown Out – Ondracek and KSCM in Shock

Prague, Dec 19 (CTK) – The parliamentary vote, in which Czech Communist (KSCM) MP Zdenek Ondracek was elected chair of a lower house commission supervising the General Inspection of Security Forces (GIBS) earlier today, has been cancelled over doubts about how many MPs took part in the secret vote.


A new vote will only be taken at a lower house session that begins in mid-January.


MP Zbynek Stanjura, head of the Civic Democrat (ODS) group in the lower house, argued that the number of lawmakers who took part in the secret vote was probably higher than officially stated, which meant that Ondracek did not win the required support and was not elected.


Lower house chairman Radek Vondracek (ANO) said the election was confused. He said it is not absolutely clear how many MPs had not collected their voting cards.


Critics warned of Ondracek as he was a member of the communist riot police unit that took part in a crackdown on a peaceful demonstration against the regime in 1989. A street protest against his election was held outside the parliament building in Prague today.


In the first secret vote held last week, Ondracek failed to be elected. He was the only candidate for the post both then and today.


The parties in parliament previously agreed that the post of the head of this commission would go to the KSCM. The ANO movement and other parties proposed that the KSCM nominate a different candidate, but the Communists rejected it.


KSCM MP Leo Luzar expressed support for Ondracek.


Luzar said when Ondracek was young, he was a policeman and he followed orders he received, but later he served his country dutifully for 27 years and he had a security vetting.


Two years ago, Ukrainian authorities did not let Ondracek enter the country, saying he was unwanted in Ukraine, probably because of his pro-Russian stances.