Parliament to Deal with EU-Australia Framework Agreement

Prague, Feb 10 (CTK) – The Czech government has submitted the EU-Australia Framework Agreement, which includes cooperation in foreign policy and security matters, humanitarian aid, justice and freedom, economy and trade, sustainable development, energy and transport, to the Parliament for ratification.


The Framework agreement between the European Union and Australia was signed in the Philippines in August 2017. The Czech government approved its signing in 2016.


The Czech government said the Czech Republic supported the signing from the beginning because the aims of the framework agreement were the same as the Czech priorities. Australia is an important ally and trade partner of the Czech Republic in the Asia-Pacific Region, the government said in its report accompanying the agreement.


The dialogue on cooperation in trade and investments, including trading in agricultural products and phytosanitary affairs, is a specific chapter in which the EU and Australia often have different views.


Under the Framework Agreement, a Joint Committee will be established to meet once a year alternately in Australia and Europe in order to facilitate the implementation of the agreement.


The EU is the second biggest trade partner for Australia, following China.