Prague, Sept 3 (CTK) – The Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) have proposed most, 15,909 candidates for the Czech October local elections, while the Pirates nominated the least, 3,000, according to the data from the election webpage.
The KDU-CSL’s number is 2,000 smaller than four years ago.
The second place is assumed by the Communists (KSCM) with 15,284 candidates, roughly 3750 fewer than in 2014.
The third place went to the Social Democrats (CSSD) with 13,495 candidates, which was 4900 fewer than in the previous polls.
The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) has fielded 12.875 candidates, roughly 800 fewer than in 2014.
Prime Minister Andrej Babis’s ANO also proposed fewer candidates. Now it has 8575 of them.
The biggest fall hit TOP 09 with 3641 candidates, while the party nominated 7950 of them four years ago.
The rest of the parties nominated more candidates than previously.
The anti-EU Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD), established in 2015, proposed 4550 candidates.
The Pirates have 2957 candidates, 2,000 more than in 2014.
The Mayors and Independents (STAN) nominated 6877 candidates, roughly 1,200 more than in 2014.